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Legal Disclaimer

Whitehall Bay, LLC is a Delaware limited liability company.  Whitehall Bay, LLC, by means of this website, is not a law firm and is not offering legal advice.  With respect to the material contained in this website, some of the material may be affected by current and future changes in law.  For those reasons, the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this website, and the opinions of the site's authors, are not a guarantee, express or implied.  In addition, because of the complexity and interrelationship of various rules, laws and other material which are presented or described herein this website, the concepts discussed in this website may not be suitable for everyone or may not be available in every state.  Whitehall Bay, LLC strongly recommends that before using any strategy or concept discussed herein, you should secure the services of a competent Certified Medicaid Planner, VA accredited claims agent, or elder law attorney in your state to determine what strategy and product is appropriate for your circumstances.Whitehall Bay, LLC is not  affiliated with any state Medicaid agency, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or the Department of Veterans Affairs.  No insurance product marketed here have been reviewed or approved by any state Medicaid office, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or the Department of Veterans Affairs, as that is not their policy to do so.  Whitehall Bay, LLC makes no guarantee, express or implied, that purchase of any insurance products will result in eligibility for Medicaid assistance, the VA improved pension or any other assistance program, public or private.


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